Software and data skills for people working in library- and information-related roles

What we do

Library Carpentry focuses on building software and data skills within library and information-related communities. Our goal is to empower people in these roles to use software and data in their own work and to become advocates for and train others in efficient, effective and reproducible data and software practices. Our workshops are based on our lessons. Workshop hosts, Instructors, and learners must be prepared to follow The Carpentries Code of Conduct.

More about what we do >

Who we are

We are a diverse, global community of volunteers. Our community includes Instructors, helpers, Trainers, Maintainers, Mentors, community champions, member organisations, supporters, workshop organisers, and staff. Library Carpentry is guided by a Advisory Group and a Curriculum Advisory Committee. Our audience are primarily people working in library- and information-related roles.

More about who we are >

Get involved

See all the ways you can engage and get involved with Library Carpentry. Follow us on Twitter.

More about get involved >

Upcoming Workshops

There are no upcoming Library Carpentry workshops on our calendar. Check out The Carpentries website to see workshops offered by our other lesson programs.

Check out our past workshops.

New Blog Posts

The Library Carpentry blog is no longer updated regularly. You can find more information about what's happening in our community through The Carpentries blog, a great resource that collates posts from Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry, and publishes updates of general interest to the community.

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